
Na osnovu inicijative organizacije civilnog društva ALHem (Alternativa za bezbednije hemikalije), a u organizaciji Srpskog društva za reproduktivnu endokrinologiju i ALHem-a organizuje se satelitski simpozijum „Hemikalije – endokrini disruptori i zdravlje žena“ dana 14. aprila od 14 do 16 h. Ovaj satelitski simpozijum je deo zvaničnog programa 2. Simpozijuma o napretku u tretmanu sindroma policističnih jajnika (PCOS) i zdravlju žena koji će biti održan u Beogradu, Srbija, Hotel Crowne Plaza, od 14. do 16. aprila 2016. godine. http://www.pcos-womenshealth-belgrade2016.com/index.html
Realizacija satelitskog simpozijuma predstavlja važnu komponentu projekta „Jačanje kapaciteta i strateškog partnerstva za bezbedno upravljanje hemikalijama u Srbiji“, koju sprovodi Ministarstvo poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine uz tehničku podršku Programa Ujedinjenih nacija za razvoj (UNDP) i finansijsku podršku SAICM Quick Start Programme Trust Fund. Projekat se sprovodi u saradnji sa organizacijama civilnog društva: Alternativa za bezbednije hemikalije (ALHem) i Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF).
Zašto satelitski simpozijum „Hemikalije – endokrini disruptori i zdravlje žena“?
… da bismo razmenili i proširili znanja u okviru zajednice stručnjaka koji učestvuje u zdravstvenoj zaštiti kao što su specijalisti iz oblasti endokrinologije, ginekologije, pedijatrije, kardiologije, hemije, toksikologije i sličnih disciplina.
Endokrini disruptori su hemikalije koje mogu da se uključe u rad hormonskog sistema tako što preuzmu ulogu hormona ili blokiraju receptore za hormone, što može uticati na razvoj i funkcionisanje našeg organizma. Efekti endokrinih disraptora mnogo zavise od perioda njihovog ulaska u organizam, naročito ukoliko se to desi u kritičnim fazama života, kao što je trudnoća (kada mogu uticati na razvoj ploda), rano detinjstvo ili period adolescencije. Endokrini disruptori mogu da pređu od trudnice kroz placentu u fetus koji se razvija ili u telo deteta preko majčinog mleka. Tokom ovih kritičnih faza u razvoju čoveka, potrebno je preduzeti posebne mere zaštite ljudi od efekata i izloženosti endokrinim disruptorima, zbog toga što ove hemikalije cak i u veoma niskim dozama mogu biti štetne za razvoj. Ove hemikalije se nalaze u proizvodima koje svakodnevno koristimo, čime doprinose mogućnosti da im budemo izloženi. Ljudi su izloženi endokrinim disruptorima putem hrane, prašine i vode, udisanjem gasova i čestica iz vazduha, kao i preko kože.
Najnovije obaveštenje naučne javnosti o endokrinim disuptorima (2015), objavljeno u eminentnom časopisu endokrinologa Endocrine Society isključuje bilo kakvu sumnju o tome da li EDCs doprinose povećanju broja oboljenja povezanih sa gojaznošću, dijabetesom, reproduktivnim poremećajima, poremećajima rada štitne žlezde, pojavom neuroendokrinih karcinoma i poremećaja neurološkog rasta i razvoja.
Endokrini disruptori su supstance koje su u Srbiji delimično uređene Zakonom o hemikalijama s obzirom da je ovaj zakon usklađen sa propisima EU u najvećem obimu za jednu zemlju koja nije članica EU, naročito REACH Uredbom (Uredba o registraciji, evaluaciji i autorizaciji i zabranama hemikalija 1907/2006).
Ciljevi satelitskog simpozijuma su:
- Informisanje učesnika simpozijuma i podizanje svesti o važnosti spoznaje povezanosti između izloženosti hemikalijama koje su endokrini disrapteri (EDCs) i odgovarajućih patologija (EDCs su jedan od etioloških faktora odgovornih za “pokretanje” poremećaja funkcije endokrinog sistema);
- Poziv učesnicima da se uključe u buduće projekte/istraživanja o EDCs (posebno o ftalatima i bisfenolu A) i ulozi ovih supstanci u etiologiji i patogenezi endokrinih poremećaja;
- Poziv učesnicima da uzmu učešće u predstojećim kampanjama koje će imati za cilj da se pojača kontrola ovih supstanci na tržištu Srbije kao i onim kampanjama koje će se baviti informisanjem i širenjem znanja o EDCs, proizvodima koji sadrže EDCs, posebno medicinskim sredstvima koja sadrže EDCs i njihovoj zameni bezbednijim alternativama
Program za satelitski simpozijum „Hemikalije – endokrini disruptori i zdravlje žena“.
14:00-14:20 Uvodna reč i prezentacija: Uvod o endokrinim disruptorima
Prof. Djuro Macut, Institut za Endokrinologiju, Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd, Srbija
14:20-15:00 Prezentacija: Endokrini disruptori i sindrom policističnih jajnika (PCOS)
Prof. Evanthia Diamanti-Kandarakis M.D., Ph.D, Endocrine Unit, Third Department of Internal Medicine, Athens University Medical School, Atina, Grčka
15:00-15:40 Prezentacija: Okvir, nivoi i potentnost endokrinih disraptora: zašto bi trebalo da budemo zabrinuti?
Prof. Jean-Pierre Bourguignon M.D., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Pediatric Endocrinology, CHU Liège, and Neuroendocrinology Unit, GIGA Neurosciences, University of Liège, Lijež, Francuska
15: 40-16:00 Prezentacija: Trenutno stanje i perspektiva endokrinih disraptora u Srbiji
Valentina Mart, ALHem Beograd, Srbija
16:00 Diskusija
Lagani ručak i umrežavanje: Svi učesnici.
Radni jezik simpozijuma je engleski.

FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT: Satellite Symposium on Endocrine Disrupting Chemical and Women’s Health
By initiation of civil society organization ALHem (Safer chemicals alternative) and in organisation of the Serbian Association for Reproductive Endocrinology, it will be organised Satellite Symposium on “Endocrine Disrupting Chemical (EDCs) and Women’s Health” on 14th of April. Satellite Symposium will pa part of 2nd International Symposium on Advances in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and Women’s Health in Belgrade, Serbia, Hotel Crowne Plaza, from the 14th to the 16th of April, 2016.http://www.pcos-womenshealth-belgrade2016.com/index.html
Realization of the satellite symposium is an important component of the project ” Capacity Building and Strategic Partnerships for Chemicals Safety in the Republic of Serbia”, implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection with the technical support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the financial support of the SAICM Quick Start Programme Trust Fund. The project is implemented in cooperation with civil society organizations: Safer Chemicals Alternative (ALHem) and Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF).
Why Satellite Symposium on “Endocrine Disrupting Chemical and Women’s Health”?
…. in order to widespread the knowledge among healthcare community i.e. specialists in endocrinology, gynecology, pediatrics, cardiology, chemistry, toxicology or similar disciplines.
EDCs are substances that interfere with the hormone system by acting as endogenous hormones. In other words, the EDC’s for instance block the receptors for these hormones, which ultimately alters physical development. The effects of EDCs are highly dependent on the time of absorption, particularly during critical phases of pregnancy (fetal development), infancy, early childhood and adolescence. EDCs can also be transferred from the pregnant woman to the developing fetus or child through the placenta and breast milk. During these critical phases, humans should have special protection against EDC’s, since even small doses of these chemicals can be detrimental to development. Human exposure to EDCs occurs via ingestion of food, dust and water, via inhalation of gases and particles in the air, and through the skin.
The Endocrine Society’s Second Scientific Statement on Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (2015) removes any doubt that EDCs are contributing to increased chronic disease burdens related to obesity, diabetes mellitus, reproduction, thyroid, cancers neuroendocrine and neurodevelopmental functions.
Endocrine disruptors are partly regulated in Serbia by Law on chemicals which is mostly harmonized with EU regulations particularly REACH (Regulation on registration, evaluation, authorization and bans and restrictions of chemicals 1907/2006)
Satellite Symposium objectives are following:
To inform, teach and raise awareness among Symposium participants on relation between the endocrine disrupting chemicals and pathologies that are related with them (EDCs are one of etiological factor responsible for „triggering“).
To attract involving participants in upcoming projects/investigations related with the EDCs (particularly phthalates and bisphenol A) and their role in etiology and pathogenesis of endocrine disorders.
To invite participants in upcoming campaigns related better control of EDCs on Serbian market as well as to campaign related to information and knowledge sharing on EDCs, products, especially medical devices containing EDCs and their replacement with the safer alternatives
Program for Satellite Symposium on “Endocrine Disrupting Chemical and Women’s Health”
14:00-14:20 Introduction and presentation: An introduction to EDCs
Prof. Djuro Macut, Institute of Endocrinology, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
14:20-15:00 Presentation: Endocrine disruptors and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Prof. Evanthia Diamanti-Kandarakis M.D., Ph.D, Endocrine Unit, Third Department of Internal Medicine, Athens University Medical School, Greece
15:00-15:40 Presentation: Windows, threshold and potency of EDs: why should you care about?
Prof. Jean-Pierre Bourguignon M.D., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Pediatric Endocrinology, CHU Liège, and Neuroendocrinology Unit, GIGA Neurosciences, University of Liège, France
15: 40-16:00 Presentation: Current status and perspectives of EDCs in Serbia
ALHem chemical safety experts, Belgrade, Serbia
Light lunch discussion and networking: All participants
Working language of symposium is English